A lifetime of financial learning starts here
Inspire a lifetime of financial wellbeing

Inspire a lifetime of financial wellbeing

Kids get hints, nudges and points to keep learning—and badges when they conquer each skill. As kids grow, levels adjust to their age and confidence.

Pay kids to learn. You choose the amount.

Pay kids to learn. You choose the amount.

Now in the parent app, a little extra can go a long way—even getting kids excited to learn budgeting skills they’ll use much later in life.

Engaging lessons tailored to their age

Engaging lessons tailored to their age

Fresh challenges with every level, for kids & teens:

Level 1

Money basics and more for kids aged 6+

Level 2

Created for kids aged 12-14

Level 3

New! Designed to challenge kids aged 15-18

Snackable stories, videos and quizzes

Snackable stories, videos and quizzes

Press play, pause, rewind, tap through stories and learn with new, more advanced topics in Level 2—created for kids aged 12-14.

Learn, lightning-fast with teen missions

Learn, lightning-fast with teen missions

Short films and quizzes help prepare teens for financial challenges—from taxes to renting, student loans and more in Level 3 missions.

Fact: Brits who didn’t receive financial education as a child are more likely to be unemployed or earning less today than those who did.

Source: Study by GoHenry and Development Economics

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Help your kids along their money journey

Help your kids along their money journey

Short films and quizzes help prepare teens for financial challenges—from taxes to renting, student loans and more in Level 3 missions.

Join for free & start learning instantly

Debit card + app + Money Missions

30 days free, then from £3.99/ month

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