How does gohenry work?

How does gohenry work?

gohenry is a bank account that’s entirely designed around you and your child. There is an online account for you, linked to an account for each of your children. You can manage everything you need through either the gohenry app or your gohenry online account – Your children get their own login details so they can learn to manage their money too.

Paying allowance

You can set up weekly allowance amounts to be paid to your child. Choose how much and the day you want these to be paid once the card arrives in the mail.

You can add money into gohenry from your bank by transfer or standing order. You can also add money to gohenry using a debit card.

Limits and controls

Your children can only ever spend the money available on their gohenry card. There’s no risk of them getting into debt or overdraft. As the gohenry card is an under-18 card, it also can’t be used in any pubs, bars or any other adult retailer.


Over and above this, parents can decide where the card can and cannot be used. You decide on a weekly limit as well as a limit per spend, to help kids spend their money responsibly.

Oversight and peace of mind

Once you’re all set up and the kids are using their gohenry card, you can keep an eye on how their money management skills are progressing.


We send you real-time push notifications through the app telling you how much they’ve spent and where. You can also login to the app and take a look at your children’s most recent spending.
Written by Ceri Roberts Published Oct 23, 2018 ● 1 min. read