Jobs for 11 year olds to make money

Jobs for 11 year olds to make money

Let's be honest, kids always want a bit more cash in their weekly allowance. Before we go into some ideas for jobs your 11-year-old can do to earn money we have answered common questions that parents are asking.


Related: How to make money as a kid

Can 11-year-olds be employed?

In the United States, kids can only legally get a job once they are 14. They can only take these jobs outside of school hours, for a limited period of time, and only in specific conditions.


There are opportunities for children under 14 to start making money. While the laws around children working can vary state to state, 11-year-olds can legally deliver newspapers, babysit, act, and complete minor chores for money in most states. Kids under 14 are not legally allowed to work in manufacturing or other hazardous jobs anywhere in the US.




Are there any jobs for 11-year-olds?

Wondering if there are jobs for 11-12 year olds that pay? Well, there are plenty of things 11-year-olds can do to earn money. It's usually safest to have a kid help out around the house, or help your friends or relatives with odd jobs that need doing. However, there are more and more ways for kids to earn money thanks to technology.

List of jobs for 11-year-olds

There can be a lot of benefits to giving kids chores or jobs. Here are some of our favorite job ideas for 11-year-olds.

Online jobs for 11 year olds that pay

Online surveys - There are a lot of sites that offer money or gift cards in exchange for doing surveys, either for marketing or academic research.


Etsy - Users have to be 18 before they can sell on Etsy, but if you have a kid who loves making things, you could set up the store and help them sell their items. 


Social media - If one of your relatives has a small business, your kid might be able to help take photos and write their social media posts.

Seasonal jobs for 11-year-olds

Weeding - With a thick pair of gardening gloves, kids can help weed gardens in the spring and summer.


Raking leaves - Many kids will enjoy helping gather up fallen leaves.


Wrapping presents - With some pre-cut wrapping paper, you could get your kids to help during the holidays.

Traditional jobs for 11-year-olds

Pet sitting - Kids can make sure that dogs get enough exercise by playing fetch with them in the garden.


Washing cars - This is a fun, outdoor activity that children can have fun with. 


Washing windows - Most kids this age can probably at least reach the windows on the lower floor and help clean them.

Easy jobs for 11-year-olds

Tidying toys - This teaches good discipline that’ll be useful later in life.


Plant sitting - All your kid has to do is make sure that plants get enough water when your neighbors are away.


Making beds - This can be a nice simple thing for kids to do at home or for relatives.

Chores for 11-year-olds

Helping with dishes - This can include setting the table, cleaning up, and washing plates.


Sweeping or vacuuming - Helping to clean communal areas can be beneficial to ready kids for adult life.


Doing laundry - Gathering dirty laundry and folding dry laundry can be simple enough for children of this age.




Starting their own business

Don't let your kid be put off by some of the myths around starting a business - if they want to, they, of course, can and should at least try! If your kid is struggling to come up with ideas, there are also lots of ways you can help your kid find the right one for them.


Starting their own business can be daunting, especially at such a young age, but it can be a great way for kids to boost their confidence, develop or improve their skill set, and maybe make a few dollars on the side.

Jobs for 11-year-olds that pay well

According to our Youth Economy Report, the best-paid jobs for 11-year-olds are:

  • Vacuuming - $1.55
  • Doing homework - $1.93
  • Tidying their room - $1.67

Should I reward 11-year-olds for doing a job?

Rewarding kids for doing jobs can be a great way to help them set good habits. There are lots of different rewards you can give.


Of course, rewards are also a great motivator, making it easier to know how to get your kid to do chores. However, you might not want all chores or jobs to be transactional. You can try other ways to encourage your kid to do jobs and learn new skills, such as making jobs more fun.


If you choose to reward your child with money for doing jobs, this can be a great time to teach them about finances and earning. The National Financial Educators Council Report on the Impact of Financial Literacy found that financial literacy increases earning prospects by up to 27%.

How do I make paying an 11-year-old for doing jobs easy?

If you want to pay your child for doing chores, GoHenry's parental features let you do this easily. You can use your GoHenry app to set up chores, which appear on your child's app. Once they tick off the tasks and you confirm they're complete, the money will go straight to their GoHenry kids' debit card. You can also easily set up weekly allowance transfers to go alongside paid tasks.


If you want to make sure that your kid knows how to best use the money they get from doing jobs, our in-app Money Missions can help. These fun quizzes and bite-sized lessons are tailored to your child's age. We have Money Missions to cover important financial subjects including jobs & earnings, saving habits, budgeting, and spending wisely.




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Written by GoHenry Published Sep 20, 2022 ● 5 min. read