We need to prioritise financial education
At GoHenry, we believe that financial education is a life skill – just like swimming – that needs to be taught in all schools from a young age.
Right now, financial education provision is patchy – and the curriculum doesn’t add up. In England, it’s only mandatory at secondary schools, and this doesn’t apply to academies and independent schools.

According to a Cambridge University study, children’s financial habits are formed by the age of seven, meaning kids are currently missing out on a huge opportunity to master the money skills that will influence the financial decisions they make for the rest of their lives.
We believe that financial education is the key to unlocking a bright future for the next generation – there’s strong evidence to show that it leads to improvements in lifetime wellbeing, including better job prospects and higher earning power.
This is why we’re asking the government to #makemoneycount by making financial education compulsory in all schools from primary age - just like swimming. This would make a huge difference to young people’s lives, as well as driving social mobility, financial equality, and supporting the Levelling Up project.

Let’s work together
We know that delivering effective financial education needs to be a collaborative effort, with government, charities and industry players all playing a part to help teachers carve out the time in the day for these lessons, as well as provide the resources they need to deliver them.
We need your help, too! Please sign our petition, and share it with family, friends, teachers and other parents to help us get this debated in parliament.
If you’d like to share on social media, simply click here:

More ways to help
You can also help us to #makemoneycount by contacting your local MP and asking them to make financial education compulsory from primary school onwards.
It’s easy to find their email address by searching for their name or your location here, and we’ve written a template to save you some time.
If your MP responds to your message, please share that with us by forwarding their email to [email protected]

The curriculum doesn’t add up, but together we can #makemoneycount
Sign the petition