DIY & printable chore charts for kids of all ages

DIY & printable chore charts for kids of all ages

Are you looking for a way to help your kids and teens stay organised and on top of their chores? If so, you probably know a lot about the benefits of chores for kids and may need a chore chart. Chore charts can be a great way to help kids learn responsibility and develop good habits. There are many different ways to create a chore chart, and it can be tailored to fit your specific needs. In this blog post, we will discuss 14 different chore chart ideas that you can use at home, as well as when to use a chore chart and what to include.

Related: Chores for kids




DIY chore charts for kids & teens

There are many different ways that you can create a chore chart, from using whiteboards to designing printable chore charts. Here are 14 different ideas to get you started:


  1. Magnet board chart

  2. Illustrations chore chart

  3. Peg chart

  4. Whiteboard chart

  5. Chore jar

  6. Extra cash chore chart

  7. Morning and evening routine chore chart

  8. Chore lolly sticks (in place of a chore chart)

  9. Spinning wheel chore chart

  10.  Weekly chore chart

  11. Visual chore chart

  12. Seasonal chore chart

  13. Google Calendar Chores

  14. Chore chart dice

1. Magnet board chart

On the board, write out the names of the members of your household. Then, write out each chore on separate magnets and use them to assign chores to each person. You can have a 'to do' and 'done' side to keep track of progress.

2. Illustrations chore chart

This is a great option for kids who are visual learners. Find pictures of the chores you want your child to do, print them out and put them on a chart. You can use a poster board or create a printable chore chart on the computer. This is a great way to keep track of what needs to be done, and it’s fun for kids, too.

3. Peg chart

This is a simple yet effective way to track chores. All you need is a clothesline and some pegs. Write each chore on paper and clip it onto the line. As each chore is completed, your child can move the paper to the ‘done’ side — or remove it from the line.

4. Whiteboard chart

A whiteboard is a great way to keep track of chores because it’s easy to erase and change as needed. Write the chores on the board, and then let your child check them off as completed. You can even use different coloured markers to make it more fun or colour-code different types of chores.

5. Chore jar

This is a fun and easy way to assign chores. Write out each chore on a small piece of paper, fold them up and put them in a jar. Then, let your child choose one randomly for the day. You can also use this method to assign rewards (for example, if your child does all their chores for the week, they can choose a prize from the jar).

6. Extra cash chore chart

This homemade chore chart idea creates ways for kids to earn money in addition to daily chores. Simply create a chart with special jobs and the amount you’re willing to pay listed on the card and hang it up so kids can easily see. Bigger jobs like mowing the lawn or reorganising the garage make great extra cash chores. 

7. Morning and evening routine chore chart

A morning and evening chore chart might be the perfect solution for parents wanting to help their kids build a better routine. Create a chart with a morning and evening section to help kids make a daily routine for their chores. Use a printable chart, magnet board, or whiteboard to help kids keep track. 

8. Chore lolly sticks (in place of a chore chart)

Instead of the traditional paper chart or chalkboard, consider a fun twist with lolly sticks. List a chore on each stick and decorate them with washi tape or markers. Have kids pull sticks to decide their tasks and use empty jars to track completed chores for each child.

9. Spinning wheel chore chart

Another fun take on regular chore charts is creating a spinning wheel for kids to pick their chores. Write a different chore on each section of the wheel, and have kids spin to decide which jobs they’ll have each day. Alternatively, you can use a spinning wheel as a fun way to decide rewards for completed chores.


10. Weekly chore chart

Weekly chore charts are a good idea for teens who are more time-starved and can do bigger jobs. These are the chores that require more effort than everyday chores, such as doing the laundry, changing the bed sheets, and doing extra grocery shopping.


11. Visual chore chart

Some kids are more visually inspired than others, so a visual chore chart can be fun to make and use. Come up with ideas that will help them remember what to do, such as a peg to hang laundry, a washing-up sponge to signal dirty dishes and a sock to remind them to pick up their clothes.


12. Seasonal chore charts

As the seasons change, so can your kids’ chores. You can either decide whether seasonal chores can replace some of their regular ones or may warrant extra pocket money as they take longer. Sweeping leaves, shovelling snow, mowing lawns and weeding all work well here.


13. Google Calendar Chore Chart

Is your teen addicted to their phone and doesn’t look up to notice a chore chart? If so, set up one of their Google Calendars with timed alerts to remind them of what to do each day.


14. Create Chore Dice

These are a fun way to create an unusual chore chart with kids.

Buy plain wooden dice, making sure they are larger than usual)  (Amazon for under £5). Add chores to every side of the dice, making them different for each child. Then, each child gets to roll it daily to find out what chore they get. 




How do you make a chore chart?

One way to make a chore chart is to use a whiteboard or chalkboard. Write out the tasks that need to be completed each day, and then have your child check them off as they are completed. You can also use a dry-erase board or create a sticker chart. Another option is to use a printable chore chart. There are many different designs available online, or you can create your own.


Related: Free printable chore chart


What chores should you include in a chore chart?

A chore chart can be started at any age, but it is essential to consider the developmental abilities of your child. For younger children, stick with more straightforward tasks such as picking up their toys or dressing independently. Older children can handle more complex tasks, such as doing the dishes or taking out the rubbish. Either way, establishing good habits early will help your child become more responsible and organised as they grow.


Free printable chore chart for kids

You can also download and use the GoHenry free weekly chore chart. This chore template helps direct your child to what needs to be done each day and also allows them to tick off tasks and make notes about what they have done each week.


The psychology behind chore charts

A chore chart for kids can be a great motivational tool and harness the power of psychology to help your child form good habits. As your child creates chore routines and learns new skills, they will gain confidence and learn personal responsibility. Printable chore charts or other chore-tracking methods that kids check off daily help them feel accomplished, encouraging them to stick with their new habits over time. 

Where to put/hang your chore chart

Hang it somewhere the whole family can easily access. A location that your kids see regularly and where they can easily check off their chores is ideal. Consider hanging your chore chart for kids on the fridge, in the main hallway, or in another easily visible area at home. Manage chores with GoHenry today!

What is a good chore chart list?

Now that you know some of the different ways you can make a chore chart for kids, it’s time to start filling it in. But precisely what is a good chore chart list? Here are a few things to consider:

  • The age of your child: be sure to assign age-appropriate tasks. For younger children, simple tasks like putting away their toys or making their bed are good options. Older children can handle more complex chores like doing the dishes or taking out the rubbish.

  • The number of people in your household: if you have a large family, you may want to assign tasks to specific people rather than having everyone do everything. This will help to keep things organised and ensure that all the chores get done.

  • The frequency of the tasks: some tasks will need to be done daily, while others can be done weekly or monthly. Consider how often each task needs to be done and plan accordingly.

  • The time it takes to complete the task: when assigning chores, remember how long each one will take. You don’t want your child to be stuck doing a task that takes hours when other things need to be done.

With these things in mind, you can start creating your own chore chart. Remember, there is no right way to do it — so have fun and be creative! Here are some everyday chores for kids aged 6 to 16 for inspiration:


  1. Make the bed

  2. Brush your teeth and get ready

  3. Put toys away and clear up

  4. Help with pets

  5. Laundry

  6. Kitchen responsibilities

  7. Reorganise an area 

  8. Cleaning

  9. Read a book or learn about money

  10. Practice kindness

  11. Washing dishes

  12. Hoovering

  13. Cleaning bathrooms

  14. Taking out the rubbish

  15. Mowing the lawn

  16. Gardening

  17. Cleaning windows

  18. Organising wardrobes and drawers

  19. Setting/clearing the table

  20. Helping with grocery shopping

Motivate your kids to do chores with GoHenry

If you’re struggling to motivate your kids to do their chores, GoHenry can help. With GoHenry, you can assign and keep track of chores with the paid tasks feature. This also allows you to set rewards so your kids receive pocket money when they mark tasks complete. This is a great way to encourage your kids to learn the importance of responsibility and the value of money.






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Written by GoHenry Published Feb 6, 2024 ● 5 min read