How many chores should my child do?

How many chores should my child do?

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including your child's age and how many chores you believe they are capable of doing. This blog post will provide some general guidelines for how many chores children can do at different ages.


Related: Chores for kids

How many chores should a child have?

This depends on a variety of factors. Keep in mind that you don't want to give your child too many chores, as this may risk overwhelming them and be demotivating — and it might leave you struggling to motivate your kids to do their chores. A good rule of thumb is to start with one or two chores and then add more as your child can handle more responsibility.


Related: How to teach responsibility to your child


As your child gets older, you can also start to involve them in decision-making about which chores they would like to do. This can help them feel more invested in doing their chores and make them more likely to get to work without being asked. Plus, involving them in decision-making from a young age is a great way to help your child develop self-esteem and confidence.

How much time should my child spend doing chores?

This will vary depending on the age of your child and the nature of the household tasks. For younger children, you may find that it is best to set a specific amount of time for them to spend doing chores each day, as it may take them more or less time to grasp the concept of completing specific tasks. For older children, you may prefer to give them a list of chores to be completed each week and give them the independence to choose how to best complete them.


However long you choose to have your child spend doing chores, consistency is important. This will help your child to understand that chores are a regular part of life and need to be completed every week.

Should kids have chores every day?

Some parents prefer to have their children do chores every day, while others may only require them to do chores on certain days or during certain times of the week. It depends on what works best for your family and what you feel is most realistic given your child's age and abilities. Generally, though, it’s a good idea to have some sort of chore system in place so that your child knows what is expected of them and when they are expected to do it.


Giving chores to children has many benefits and should be seen as a positive thing. In fact, helping out around the house is a great way for children to learn responsibility and develop life skills. By involving them in chores from an early age and setting regular tasks for them to do, you can set them up for adult life. Plus, if you add rewards for completing their chores, it will instil the value of hard work and keep them motivated to contribute. Rewards also help to make chores more fun for kids!


Related: Best apps to encourage kids to do chores

Reward your kids for doing chores with GoHenry

GoHenry can help you set up a task system for your family and reward your child for doing their chores. With our kids' debit card and pocket money app, you can assign specific tasks to be completed each day or week and even choose to give your child a financial reward for completing their chores. You can also use GoHenry's regular pocket money payments to reward your child for doing their chores on a regular basis.


Related: Free chore chart


Plus, with GoHenry, your child can learn about financial responsibility from an early age with our in-app Money Missions, which give GoHenry kids access to interactive games and videos that cover money basics, investing, saving, compound interest, borrowing, giving, and more.



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Written by GoHenry Published Mar 8, 2022 ● 4 min read